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Divača-Koper Railway tunnel in Slovenia reaches 1 km excavation

    Stanko Novak
    By Stanko Novak Replies (1)


    Contractors on the second track tunnels have reached an important milestone at Divača-Koper Railway tunnel. At all tunnel sites together, they exceeded the 1,000 meters of tunnels excavated.

    Excavation lengths are: 1. Lokev tunnel (T1-DI): main pipe 150 meters, service pipe 110 meters, 2. Mlinarji tunnel (T7-KP): 362 meters, 3. Diocese Tunnel (T8-DI): main pipe 102 meters, 4th Diocese Tunnel (T8-KP): main pipe 198 meters, service pipe 84 meters.

    The total length of the excavation is currently 1,006 meters. By 2024, contractors will have to dig 37 kilometers of tunnels.

