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Chile - Extention of Metro 3 of Santiago Metro reaches 80% progress

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (2)

    Lo Cruzat Station is the most advanced of the three that make up the new 3.8 kilometers of the underground train in the commune.

    It is estimated that the extension of Line 3 will benefit 267,000 people and will reduce connection times between Plaza de Quilicura and downtown Santiago by 55%.

    Along with residents of Quilicura, the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz, the president of Metro, Guillermo Muñoz, and the mayor of the commune, Paulina Bobadilla, supervised the extension works of Metro Line 3. A visit in which they appreciated the 78% progress of the general project and the 85% progress of the new Lo Cruzat station.

    This underground train stop will have an influx of approximately 10,000 passengers per day and about 2.9 million per year.

    “It makes us happy to see directly the progress of the works and to see how the future stations are taking shape. There is less and less left for almost 300,000 people to also have integrated and quality transportation. Today I want to say to you, the residents of Quilicura, those who for so many years have wanted a quality public transportation alternative, this is a work of social justice, of territorial equity, that will bring you closer to job opportunities, study or of health”, assured the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz.

    Line 3 extension works began in January 2019 and will add 3.8 kilometers. From east to west, the new stations will be Ferrocarril, Lo Cruzat and Plaza de Quilicura.

    The president of Metro, Guillermo Muñoz, highlighted that “in order to measure the positive impact that the growth of the Metro network has, when the extension of Line 3 is in service, from the Lo Cruzat station the residents of Quilicura will be able to reach Universidad from Chile in just 18 minutes, allowing a reduction of 56% compared to what they currently take. We are talking about more time for personal activities, to rest or share with your loved ones. Along with this, it promotes intermodality, access to new services and opens up a series of opportunities that allow improving social equity and the development of a better city”.

    “The extension of Line 3 represents an investment of 378 million dollars and throughout its construction it will generate 3,400 jobs, which is added to a portfolio of projects that is the largest in the history of Metro, with the extension of lines 2 and 6, and the new lines 7, 8 and 9”.

    From the municipality of Quilicura, its mayor Paulina Bobadilla valued the benefit that she will bring to the neighbors. “There is a great debt with Quilicura in terms of connectivity and the arrival of the Metro to the Plaza de Armas of the commune is undoubtedly an advance. The neighbors will finally have democratic access, since they will be able to opt for this means of transport from a central location. Metro is already 78% complete in its extension work, which also means that residents will soon be able to enjoy a better distribution of their time, without having to spend hours on buses to spend more time with their families. .

    With an investment of US$ 378.5 million, the works will generate 3,400 jobs, from the beginning to their commissioning. The extension of Line 3 is carried out completely underground, as is the extension of Line 2. It is projected that the entire route will be inaugurated by the end of 2023.


