Insight Korea write "Currently, Neom City has no specific design or orders, but only some orders for infrastructure construction, which is the pre-stage of urban construction". They write also Samsung C&T and Hyundai E&C team up with a Greek company to get tunnel construction contracts adding size of the tunnel construction is still unknown.
Nate write order amount for a tunnel construction in Neom City is about $ 1 billion. Tunnel are for high -speed and freight rail services, 28 km long in length.
Neom City project is very mouth watering. Total project cost is 500 Billion US$ (not known how much for tunnels). But tender process in Saudi Arabia is very non-transparent. Connections with royal family very important.
Which company from Greece?
@Carlos in this article there is no name of company from Greece.
Is it Aktor? They had sued the Romanian authorities in relation to a tender. I read they sued government in Albania too.
The Networking Site for Tunnel and Underground Space Professionals
The Networking Site for Tunnel and Underground Space Professionals
Have they sued the Saudi Arabian government yet?
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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