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China : Super-large-diameter shaft boring machine rolled off production line

    Caihong Wen
    By Caihong Wen Replies (3)

    Xinhua news agency report on November 29 first super-large diameter vertical boring machine. China Railway Construction Heavy Industry (CRCHI) Group and China Railway 15th Bureau Group design develop and produce it. People and Xinhua report Huang Changfu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the China Railway 15th Bureau introduce it.

    Machine name is `Dream' and integrate functions of excavation, slag, support, orientation. It has excavation diameter 23.02 meters. It is 10 meters high.

    Machine can bore shafts up to 80 meters deep in soft soil and rock. It has power of 1800 watts.

    Xinhua quote China Railway Construction Co., Ltd.


    I find youtube only Japanese video sorry.

