GTX tunnel project is delayed between 3-5 years. Excuses "repeated bidding", "resident's backlash" etc.
This project is special in it uses Tunnel Boring Machine tunneling method. In Korea TBM use is very limited. Most tunnel project use conventional drill and blast method. GTX preferred TBM method for two reasons:
1- Government's policy to encourage Tunnel Boring Machine use and production. To create ecosystem for TBM production and create made-in-Korea TBM manufacturers. Today all TBM machines come from Germany, USA, Japan and China.
2- To soften community backlash. Many residents complain about blast noise, dust etc. TBM method presented as silent, safer method.
This did not prevent residents' backlash and other problems. Maybe also Korea companies not experienced with TBM it may also contribute to delay, who knows.
In GTX project DL E&C use 'Gripper TBM' in the 4265m section of Seoul (GTX-A). Hoban Group supply the Gripper Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) for the GTX A line. Hyundai E&C plan to use TBM for GTX-C line construction.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
A news of delay.
예정보다 3~5년 지연…우여곡절 겪은 GTX | 서울경제
www.sedaily.com수도권 주민들의 숙원 사업이었던 수도권광역급행철도(GTX)가 개통을 눈앞에 두고 있지만 우여곡절도 적지 않았다. 사업성을 고...