Tunnel Boring Machine has excavation diameter of 13.8 meters. First AI (artificial intelligence) deep learning technology is application for a slurry TBM.
'The shield tunnel in this section is 2923 meters long, has a maximum burial depth of 29.82 meters, has a large and undulating slope, and has a maximum slope of 25‰. It has the characteristics of large diameter, sticky soil, and high risk'.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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finance.people.com.cn科技日報訊(記者矯陽)12月8日,新建京濱鐵路最大盾構機“京濱同心號”始發。 新建京濱鐵路為京津間第二條城際鐵路,是京津冀區域鐵路網的重要組成部分。“京濱同心號”總長135米,總重約2800噸,