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Norway: A Parallel tunnel proposed on E39

    Paul K. Madsen
    By Paul K. Madsen Replies (1)

    Statens vegvesen (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration) recommends development to a four -lane road with a new parallel driving tunnel (concept 3/k3). Concept K3 follows far on the road existing E39 from Heiane to Valevåg.

    Statens vegvesen says:

    This concept means to build that we are building a new parallel tunnel run alongside the existing tunnel. Then we can carry the traffic in two different tunnel runs while we get a cross connection with escape routes for remaining 250 meters, says project manager Ole-Mathias Nes in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The final report on concept selection for E39 crossing the Bømlafjord All the extras concept will increase capacity and better traffic safety. We recommend concept 3 first and foremost because it makes great flexibility when it comes to progress in the development. Wednesday, March 20 at. 10 we conducted a final meeting for the reference group.

    Presentation: https://www.vegvesen.no/globalassets/vegprosjekter/transport-og-samfunn/e39kryssingbomlafjorden/referansegruppemote-kvu-e39-kryssing-av-bomlafjorden-200324.pdf


