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Plans to widen the Auglend Tunnel

If anybody here is into the tunnel widening business, there may be an opportunity in the coming. Aftenbladet writes that there are plans to woden the Auglend Tunnel to make it more accessible for emergency vehicles etc. Obviously it means adding an emergency lane. They have one problem though. Aftenbladet writes they are still in the phase of looking for money to finance the works. So the ball is still in the rolling.

The Auglend Tunnel itself is not a long one. Only around 390 meters long. It lies on the highway between Stavanger and Sandnes.

It is just one of the 1100-plus road tunnels. Many of them have their maintenance and other planned work approaching. As a matter of fact, the biggest Norwegian contractor has recently called on Norwegian government to bring the tunnels works at earlier dates to generate work for the construction industry (I wrote about this some days ago: https://tunnelcontact.com/discussion/view/15109/national-contractor-mesta-as-lays-off-100-and-asks-norwegian-government-to-authorize-pending-55-tunnel-works).


