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İstanbul Ümraniye-Ataşehir-Göztepe subway line construction complete in 2022

    Erdem Mertoğlu
    By Erdem Mertoğlu Replies (2)

    İstanbul mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu gave a good news to İstanbullular: Ümraniye-Ataşehir-Göztepe metro tunnels wıll finish construction in 2022. İstanbullular will use this new subway line in 2022.

    This is very good news. Construction of the subway line was stopped in 2017. There was another mayor at that time. From president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's party AKP. They finish the money. So construction stopped. When Emrem İmamoğlu elected by İstanbullu people as mayor in 2019, he borrowed money internationally and started project.


    Ümraniye-Ataşehir-Göztepe subway is constructed by best of Türkiye: Gülermak. Together with another company Nurol (established in 1966).


