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ITA-AITES should seriously consider rescheduling World Tunnel Congress Kuala Lumpur to 2021

    Tim Altman
    By Tim Altman Replies (8)


    You know WTC2020 has been rescheduled to Sept 11-17. Do you think that it should be rescheduled to 2021 instead? I mean WTC2021 in Kuala Lumpur and WTC2022 in Copenhagen and WTC2023 in Cancun?

    Today is June 9th. We have 3 more months to go.   There is no way things will get back to normal in these 3 months. Even if you assume that all travel restrictions are lifted, people will be extremely reluctant to travel.

    I am afraid, if ITA insists on September dates for WTC Kuala Lumpur, the event will only attract people who are already in Malaysia and, if lucky, also from a few nearby countries.

    This is so unfair to Malaysian organizers. No doubt they had been working hard to organize this great event and ending up with a handful of attendees will be so unfair.

    International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association can easily solve this problem by shifting the WTC dates by one year. As I said earlier, WTC Kuala Lumpur in 2021, WTC Copenhagen in 2022, WTC Cancun in 2023. At WTC Kuala Lumpur in 2021, any candidates for 2024 is voted for.

    I don't know, I do not see any other way. What do you think?

    • Dave Anderson
      By Dave Anderson

      I'd say tough luck for the Malaysians. Shifting will mess up a lot of things.

    • Erkan Dönmez
      By Erkan Dönmez

      It is absolutely unfair to Kuala Lumpur WTC organizers. Shifting tunnel congresses one year is the best solutino. What is the harm? There will be no harm. But if not shifted, it will be bad for Malaysia's efforts.

    • Keith Keloe
      By Keith Keloe

      Fair or not for the organizers?

      To be honest I do not care. Fairness is not the one that makes the world go round. I believe the main concern should be, whether holding the event in September 2020 will serve the purpose for the tunneling community or not. It is beyond certain that most people will pass over this event. Will it serve the purpose or will ITA-AITES still hold it just for the purposes of holding it?

      Answer to whether the World Tunnel Congress years should be shifted lies in the answer to this question.

    • Mustafa Coşar
      By Mustafa Coşar

      Yes. WTC2020 must be cancelled and Kuala Lumpur must host WTC2021:

      WTC2021 Kuala Lumpur

      WTC2022 Copenhagen

      WTC2023 Cancun

      WTC2024 Antalya

    • Peter R. Morgan
      By Peter R. Morgan

      100%  I am with you Tim. I am all for WORLD TUNNEL CONGRESS 2021 IN KUALA LUMPUR and then following year COPENHAGEN!

    • Julian Buch
      By Julian Buch

      I agree. Many would skip the WTC2020. It is not realistic to expect people travel to the conference in Sept. ITA need to find a solution.

    • Simon Gent
      By Simon Gent

      I'd say, sorry for the Malaysians, but let it go.

    • Jørn Sørensen
      By Jørn Sørensen

      I am sorry for the bad luck the WTC2020 KL had...

      Best to be realistic and move on. I am already looking forward for WTC2021 Copenhagen. Hopefully I'll meet some of you there...

