In Milano's M4 tunnel construction the vault of a subway tunnel collapses in Santa Sofia, Corriere della Serra writes. 20 mixers full of concrete was necessary to fill in the gap created on the collapsed surface. 17 people have been evacuated in the area.
Many people in the effected building tell of vibrations and strange noises since the beginning of the tunnel boring work. Newspaper writes that the collapse did not effect the main tunnel but a service tunnel excavated by non-TBM mechanical excavators.
In an earlier collapse near Piazza Tirana, a worker (Raffaele Ielpo) had died.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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Lavori M4, crolla la volta di un tunnel del metrĂ²: paura in via Santa Sofia
milano.corriere.itVoragine sottoterra, evacuate 17 persone. Alla fine ci sono volute una ventina di betoniere per riempire il buco nel terreno. Un sopralluogo ha...