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Autostrade did not control Genova tunnels properly in March-June period

    Roberto Calvi
    By Roberto Calvi Replies (2)


    Italian prosecutors bring indictments against new management of Autostrade (Aspi). Autostrade failed to perform tunnel inspections for about 100 tunnels in the Genova region.

    A report by the inspectors of the Ministry of Transport said Autostrade failed to perform proper tunnel inspections for about 100 tunnels in the Genova region.  Some tunnels were not inspected at all.

    According to the Prosecutor's Office, Autostrade did not comply with the ministerial requirements that required from February 2020 to carry out the checks with thermoscanner and georadar to verify the stability of the tunnels. As a result, Autostrade had to urgently close down 20 tunnels around Genova.

    Autostrade is the same companywhich managed the Morandi bridge. New management had replaced the old one which was investigated for the collapse of Morandi. Apparently not much changed at Autostrade. Now the new management will be questioned by the prosecutors.

