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Minister of Transports changes the route of the Comarnic-Brașov highway and adds tunnels & ecoducts

    I. Stoica
    By I. Stoica Replies (3)

    Romania's Minister of Transports, Lucian Bode revised the feasibility-study route of the Comarnic-Brașov highway. Stirileprotv writes minister said original route given in feasibility study went through Cantacuzino Castle, 7th floor of some buildings and should have never been given building permission.

    Minister changes the route. The new route will protect the mountain nature and historical places like castle. He said the route will be revised to protect the mountain nature and historical places like castle by building tunnels, ecoducts.

    According to Stirileprotv, minister said, "I divided it into five sections. The easiest to do is the Comarnic section - it has seven km, it will be used as a bypass, the value of eligible works is less than 75 million euros. We make decisions at the national level. We do not need many opinions, agreements from the European Commission. It's European money. We can start the procedures for the execution of the Comarnic section very quickly".

