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EU to investigate public financing of Fehmarn Belt, Denmark’s tunnel to Germany

European Commission opens an investigation into whether the public financing model of the Fehmarn Belt fixed rail-road link is in line with EU state aid rules.

Denmark will own and bear the full risk for financing the tunnel.

  • Peter R. Morgan
    By Peter R. Morgan

    Only in Europe. Is China so semsitive or just getting the things done? Europe is shooting itself in the foot.

  • Heiko vd Berg
    By Heiko vd Berg

    Ferry people are cruising upstream this time.

  • Kris Lubcek
    By Kris Lubcek

    Unlike China, Europe is mostly a well functioning democracy. One of the musts of a democracy is transparency and another one is the freedom for conflicting views. These are essential for the working of a democratic society. Without these there will be no feedback and as a consequence no self-correction.

    So, some want to build a tunnel and the interests of the ferry companies which were happily moving people around between Germany and Denmark are suddenly in geopardy. This prompts them to dig into the legalities of this tunnel project. At the end the courts will decide if things are in line with the law.


    And who was saying things were great in China?

  • Hans S. Rovsing
    By Hans S. Rovsing

    Shame on ferrry companies. They are so much indulged in eay profits that they do not hesitate to libel and snitch at the expense of Danish people's common good.

