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Copenhagen Ring's eastern tunnel plans has funding problem

    Jørn Sørensen
    By Jørn Sørensen Replies (3)

    Copenhagen's mayor Frank Jensen's one of the tunnel projects is running a funding problem. Jensen had two visions as far as the city's transportation infrastructure is involved. The first one is the expansion of the current metro network.

    When I look back into it, Copenhagen did away far too long with just one metro line with a very few hundred meters as underground tunnels. This has changed in the past decade with large investments in the metro network. Historically public transport infrastructure projects have always had support from Danish governments both nationwide and locally.  Therefore the metro expansion was an easy decision as long as the politicians thought it was the right time to build it.

    City ring, for motor vehicles, pointing to obvious, is another story. In Denmark it is seen as if a private affair that government does not need to invest. This is of course a bit of exaggeration. Naturally Denmark has perfect highways all owned and operated by the government. On the other hand, I think government does the minimum it has to do when it comes to motor vehicle infrastructure. It is seen by politicians as almost a sin investing in the infrastructure for the people to drive their cars often with one or two passengers in each car.

    As reported in Berlingske, Copenhagen politicians treat the tunnel project for the city ring as a stepchild. Especially the Social Democrat and left wing politicians. It is - perhaps rightly- seen as helping contributing to environmental pollution and climate change by building more roads as in the words of a politician quoted by the Berlingske: "We must secure solutions so that we do not transport ourselves around the city by car,". Therefore finding money for the city ring's eastern tunnel is a problem. Early studies say there is a lack of funding of around 20 billion kroner for the tunnel project. ;

