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Argentine ambassador in Chile meets with local authorities over Agua Negra Tunnel project

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (5)

    On Friday, in Chile a virtual meeting has been held over the Agua Negra Tunnel project by International Relations, Land Management and Environment of the Regional Council (CORE). The object of the meeting was exchange of opinions with the  Argentine ambassador in Chile, Rafael Bielsa and Chilean local authorities.  This is according to a news published on Chile's Diario la region de Coquimbo,

    According to the news, the Argentinian diplomat has reiterated the Argentinian president's commitment to the project. According to the ambassador\ the Agua Negra Tunnel project is one of the priorities of the Argentina's president. He said that the planned funding loan from the Inter-American Development Bank could expire at any time and once it does so, it would be too late...

    The Agua Negra tunnel project was first proposed by the then-presidents Presidents Cristina Fernandez and Michelle Bachelet of Chile and Argentina in 2009. If realized, will be the first bi-national project between two countries. It is going to be financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

    One issue with the project is, currently there is no matching enthusiasm from the Chilean government. Chile side says there are no right economic conditions or specifications to tender such a project yet. Moreover, they 

    say it is not right to create false expectations at this stage, probably as an indirect message to current Argentinian president's enthusiasm...

