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Lotte E&C comes out too dominant in Isu Gwacheon Tunnel Construction. It repels other contractors to apply

    Ji-Yu Doko
    By Ji-Yu Doko Replies (1)

    First proponent Lotte E&C comes out too dominant in Isu Gwacheon Tunnel Construction. It repels other contractors

    Construction companies are not too eager to bid proposals for Isu Gwacheon Tunnel Construction. They think Lotte E&C has unfair advantage. Companies think Lotte E&C will get profits and they do work for less profits.

    It is already 2 weeks after call for third party proposal from interested contractors. But no interest yet. Companies can submit until February 15th. Successful applicants will receive a third-party proposal by April 30th. Once selected they will be preferred negotiators.

    Project cost is 465.3 billion won. It is BTO contract. After construction period of 60 months, city of Seoul will own it but  operating business keep profit for 30 years.

