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No Russia-China high speed railway through Altay Mountains

    Bogdan A. Dašić

    The head of the Altay Republic, Oleg Horokhordin spoke the regional authorities do not plan to build a railway to China in near future. This is in Amic.

    Some time ago Russian Railways had spoken for a 500 billion ruble plan to build a high-speed railway to China through Altay Republic. Part of high-speed 9447km Beijing - Moscow - Berlin "Eurasia" railway line. The main option for Russia China passage was construction of an overpass to overcome part of the path through the mountains. Much cheaper than tunneling. It is a Russian plan and no talks with China.

    Now Altay republic head spoke there are no such plans.

    According to me, this is a populist talk be head of Altay republic. Local people believe mountains are sacred. In fact soon later that railway will be build. There are some potential problems. Altay people are Turkic people on Russia side. On China side there are Uyghur people also Turkic people. Maybe China do not want Turkic people connect.


