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In Rostov, wastewater collector tunnel will be repaired for 1.9 billion rubles

    Bogdan A. Dašić

    In Rostov, collector # 68 will be repaired for 1.9 billion rubles, reports 1rnd. The 7 km tunnel was commissioned in 2006 but part of it had collapsed only after 4 years. It has been waiting for a repair for more than 10 years now.

    The tunnel is 3m width and lies between 5 to 87 meters underground. 15 Years ago it was built for 2 billion rubles. It was supposed to last for 500 years but already after 15 years the repair will cost 1,9 billion rubles. remember that it collapsed only after 4 years of operation.

    Contractor SoyuzDonStroy LLC will repair it by May 2023.

