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Elon Musk’s Boring Co. Pitches Double-Wide Tunnels (by Boring Company standards)

    Lutz Genscher
    By Lutz Genscher Replies (2)

    US financial site Bloomberg reports that "Elon Musk’s tunneling startup the Boring Co. is working on much wider tunnels than publicly announced, which could significantly expand the reach of the business".

    These "much wider tunnels" are reportedly intended for cargo container transportation.

    It is further reported that the TBC currently builds 12 feet in diameter tunnels. The size of the "much wider" tunnels will be 21 feet.

    When I do the math, it corresponds to 6,4 meters. This is an ordinary metro size tunnel diameter! There are thousands of such tunnels in the world!

    I think The Boring Company is just a marketing company. They are claiming to reinvent the same wheel which has been around for so long. And they fool some!

