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Victory for campaigners. British High court rules Stonehenge tunnel is unlawful

    Kris Lubcek
    By Kris Lubcek Replies (2)

    A High Court judge finds the Stonehenge Tunnel construction unlawful on two grounds. One being the decision-making process did not include evidence of impact on each individual asset at the Stonehenge historic site and another being no alternative schemes had been considered.

    This ruling halts the construction activities for the Stonehenge Tunnel Project. Government has now has to come up with some remedy or we can forget about the tunnel. In recent weeks, the possibility of the Stonehenge site loosing its World Heritage Site (WHS) has been a popular subject in the media especially in the aftermath of Liverpool loosing its status due to some new construction activities.

    A government spokesperson says “carefully considering the judgment and deciding how to proceed”.

