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"Project of the Century" at a loss? Experts on the new Georgian road to the border with Russia

Sputnik Georgia writes that as the construction of the longest automobile tunnel in the Transcaucasus on the road leading to the Russian-Georgian border has begun in Georgia, there are doubts whether will pay itself off. The construction of a 9-kilometer tunnel under the Krestovy Pass has now begun.

The contractor China Railway Tunnel Group Co, Ltd (CRTG) has started the construction of the 9-kilometer tunnel under the Krestovy Pass. CRTG uses a low-vibration TBM to minimize the the risks of rock falls.

The  $400 million project (not only tunnel but also for the roads) will be completed in 2024. It is financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as the government of Georgia.


