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Review: The light rail in the tunnel will cost 3 times more expensive than the route along Bryggen in Bergen (Norway)

    Paul K. Madsen
    By Paul K. Madsen Replies (4)

    A new review says the light rail along Bryggen is cheaper, faster to build and more accessible to people than the tunnel alternative. Sadly, for both options, cultural monuments are endangered, reports NRK.

    In 2014 the city of Bergen had decided to extend the Bybanen (Bergen Light Rail) to Åsane via a tunnel under the downtown. Since then the plans alternated between tunnel and overground alternatives depending on who won the local elections.

    By latest estimates the tunnel option would cost NOK 3.4 billion while the over ground option along Bryggen  would cost only NOK 1.2 billion.  Also the tunnel option would take up to 3-4 years longer to build.

    On 24 November, the city of Bergen will choose one of the optinos. And the Vestland County Municipality, which is the cultural heritage authority, will take favor one of the options 20 October.

