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Jakarta-Bandung Fast Project Cost Overruns 'Due to Changes in Design'

Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) said that the swelling of funds for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project was due to a design change. The high speed train was in public eyes recently because of a cost overrun of US$ 1.9 billion from original US$ 6.07 billion to US$ 8.6 billion.

Solopos quote ver interesting words from chief of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Indonesian State Railways 'KAI'). President director of KAI Didiek Hartantyo is quoted saying that communication between Indonesia and China was not smooth because the project leader, PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WiKA).

This is interesting because construction company WiKA is also owned by Indonesian state.

Solopos writes  WiKA is a construction company, not a railway company but still assigned to build this 142.3 Kilometers long high-speed train project.

