Trøndelag, a county in the central part of Norway invites bitters for the construction of a 980 meters long tunnel along with a 3,5 km road and two bridges of 97 and 43m.
Below is the county's announcement with my clumsy translation.
Invitation to tender competition
Trøndelag County Municipality will build 4.5 km of new road in Klæbu. The project is part of the Environmental Package in Trondheim.
County road 704 Tanem-Tulluan is the last of three sections to be built along county road 704 between Sandmoen and Tulluan.
Previously, the sections Sandmoen-Rødde and Rødde-Tanem were built under the auspices of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Tanem-Tulluan will be built along the east side of Vassfjellet, through Forset Grus, among others.
The section consists of the following elements:
In the southern part of the project, deposits of quick clay lead to stabilizing terrain interventions.
The purpose of the new road is to contribute to a better living environment, safer school roads and facilitate increased industry in the area. When the new road is opened, virtually all heavy truck traffic and other through traffic in the densely populated area on Tanem will disappear. It will also take less time to drive to Vassfjellet Winter Park.
The project is carried out as a model-based execution contract in accordance with NS 8405.
For more information, see the Environmental Package's website and the Environmental Package's facebook page
(There is also contact details like email and telephone number of County persons. I prefer not to include them here but you can see them at the bottom of the tender announcement on county website - PKM)
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
Inviterer til anbudskonkurranse
www.trondelagfylke.noTrøndelag Fylkeskommune skal bygge 4,5 km ny veg i Klæbu. Prosjektet er en del av Miljøpakken i Trondheim.