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Colombia’s INVÍAS signed the order to start the electromechanical equipment contract for Toyo Tunnel

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (1)

    INVÍAS Túnel del Toyo (Túnel Guillermo Gaviria Echeverri)

    Colombia’s national roads institute (Invías) awarded an almost half a billion pesos ($496,300 million) contract to the Antioquia al Mar Consortium. The contract is for the electromechanical works for INVÍAS Túnel del Toyo (Túnel Guillermo Gaviria Echeverri).

    With an investment of $1.4 billion, the national government, through INVÍAS, advances the construction of 13 vehicular bridges, 12.5 km of open-air road, 11 tunnels and 4 cut-and-cover tunnels along 19.4 kilometers of the Santa Fe de Antioquia - Cañasgordas corridor.

    The order to initiate the electromechanical equipment contract was also signed, which will provide the project and the access roads with state-of-the-art technology to guarantee safety in the operation of the corridor.

    Bogotá, D.C., February 18, 2022 (@InviasOficial). In order to promote the economic reactivation of the region, the general director of the National Institute of Roads (INVÍAS), Juan Esteban Gil Chavarría, began work on section 2 of the access roads to the Guillermo Gaviria Echeverri tunnel. In the company of the Governor of Antioquia, Aníbal Gaviria Correa, municipal authorities and oversight offices toured the construction fronts and supervised the first activities.

    “We are committed to permanent work to connect the lives of Colombians through safe and efficient infrastructure. Without a doubt, this will be a project that will improve the mobility of all and will contribute to the country's economic reactivation," said Ángela María Orozco Gómez, Minister of Transportation.

    Illustration of the map of the Guilllermo Gavíria Echeverri tunnel

    This project of the Roads for Legality and Reactivation Vision 2030 line, of the Commitment for Colombia strategy, has an investment of $1.4 billion for the construction of 13 vehicular bridges, 12.5 km of open-air road, 11 tunnels and 4 false tunnels along 19.4 kilometers of the Santa Fe de Antioquia - Cañasgordas corridor.

    Photograph of the General Director of INVÍAS, Juan Esteban Gil during his signing at the start of access works to the Guillermo Gaviria Correa tunnel.

    “Today we verified the beginning of one of the most important road mega-works in the country, this project that was a commitment of President Iván Duque Márquez with the department and that today, with facts, is a reality. Thus, more than 400 employees with more than 90 machines carry out the first activities in more than 10 work fronts. With this project we hope to generate more than 4,900 new jobs for the inhabitants of the department, boost the competitiveness of the region, improve the quality of life of the communities and the connection of the urban centers with the Caribbean ports”, said the general director of the INVÍAS, Juan Esteban Gil Chavarría.

    Photograph of the start of the construction work for the access works to the Guillermo Gaviria Correa tunnel.

    In addition to the supervision of the initial works of the project, the signing of the order to initiate the contract for electromechanical equipment was carried out, which will equip almost 20 km with control systems, SOS, signaling, ventilation, lighting, among others, to guarantee safety in the operation of the road complex for users.

    “We are verifying this work on section 2, transcendental for the connection between Medellín and Urabá, in the center and south-west of Colombia, in an efficient manner. This is development, this is economic reactivation, it is equity and well-being for the municipality, for the region and for the entire country,” said the Governor of Antioquia, Aníbal Gaviria Correa.

    Photograph of the Director General of INVÍAS, Juan Esteban Gil during his intervention at the start of access works to the Guillermo Gaviria Correa tunnel.

    The mayors of Santa Fe de Antioquia, Giraldo and Cañasgordas also participated in the tour, as well as representatives of the cargo and passenger transport unions of the region, who expressed their satisfaction with the start of the works.

    Anderson Quiceno, from the Association of Freight Carriers (ATC), said: “With the delivery of this new road in the future, we hope to have better logistics times, a better quality of life for carriers and better dispatches and deliveries in the future. each of the goods destined for the Coast.

    Photograph of the start of construction works for the access to the Guillermo Gaviria Correa tunnel.

    In this way, the national government, through INVÍAS, continues to demonstrate, with actions and as a team, its commitment to improving the country's road infrastructure and the progress of the regions.


