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Agua Negra Tunnel likely to get new new impulse with the inaguration of new president in Chile

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (2)

    As the new president Gabriel Boric is sworn into office in Chile, there is a renewed hope for the Agua Negra Tunnel project. The previous Chilean president Sebastián Piñera has been known for his stance against the project. During his reign, Chile had rejected to take the US$ 1.5 Billion Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loan the bank made available for each country for the construction of the Agua Negra Tunnel while Argentina took it.

    With the hopes of new government, the Governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac has met with the new Minister of Public Works of Chile, Juan Carlos García (of president Gabriel Boric). During the meeting, Uñac has updated the new minister about the project.

    The governor Sergio Uñac  tweeted that  "We met with the new minister of @mop_chile , @jcgarciapdea . We discussed the importance of continuing to deepen bilateral relations and the development of different joint projects, such as the Agua Negra Tunnel and the paving of this international pass. ."

