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Linköping Municipality (Sweden) wants to build a new tunnel

    Jørn Sørensen

    They do not mention the length of the tunnel. The translation is mine.

    March 29, 2022 | Press release from Linköping Municipality
    Linköping City Council today made a historic decision. Where the Eastern Link is drawn through Linköping will affect the municipality for the rest of the century. In the first place, the council wants a tunnel, in the second place the corridor with a station in Steninge. It is now up to the Swedish Transport Administration to make the final decision, which is expected at the end of April.

    - It is very positive that we are now seriously approaching a decision on how the Eastern Link will be drawn through Linköping. It has been a very long process, but it is also important that we have a broad political agreement behind the municipality's statement, says Niklas Borg (M), chairman of the municipal board and group leader in the municipal council. Together with Kristina Edlund (S), Muharrem Demirok (C) and Denisé Cassel (KD), he is part of Linköping Municipality's negotiating delegation, which is now conducting a dialogue with the Swedish Transport Administration.

    Corridor Tunnel Norra in combination with corridor South of Malmslätt are the corridors that best meet the municipality's goals and best enable the societal development the municipality wants to see in both the central city and the countryside. The City Council shares the Swedish Transport Administration's assessment that Steninge is the land-based alternative that stands out most positively and has the best potential to meet the municipality's goals.

    - This is the largest infrastructure investment in Linköping in over a hundred years and Ostlänken means a lot for Linköping's continued development. In Linköping, we have many small and medium-sized companies, whose competitiveness will be strengthened with Ostlänken, says Kristina Edlund (S), municipal councilor.
    Good conditions

    Both alternatives create good conditions for the urban development planned with an inner city that grows across the river and a development of Stångebro with urban development and recreation.

    - For Linköping's development, this means that we can move forward with the planning of new housing in a fantastic location and plan for new recreational areas and a city park, says Muharrem Demirok (C), chairman of the community building committee

    The Swedish Transport Administration is expected to make a decision on which corridor Ostlänken will go through at the end of April. In that decision, the responses of Linköping Municipality, the County Administrative Board and the Armed Forces, among others, are considered.

    - Now we hope that the Swedish Transport Administration's decision in a month will put an end to this part of the process and that we will receive a message in line with our municipal wishes. Where Ostlänken is drawn is a big decision that will affect our municipality for a long time to come and I am glad that there is a political consensus, says Denisé Cassel (KD), municipal councilor.

    Once the decision has been made, work begins on investigating exactly where in the corridor tracks and other parts of the facility are to be located, the so-called railway plan. It describes what is to be built and where. In that work, the railway will be described in more detail, both in terms of design and location with ground language. The Swedish Transport Administration's consultation takes place on an ongoing basis during the planning process for the plan proposal, a first consultation is planned for spring 2023.

    Link below has the contact details for more information.

