RÚV (Ríkisútvarpið), the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service reports that Vestmannaeyjar town council has unanimously agreed to hold a dialogue with the state about the feasibility of tunnels between the Iceland mainland and the Westman islands.
RÚV quotes the report used in the voting of the city council which says "A preliminary survey was conducted in 2000 where various possibilities were examined, including bottom tunnels and floating tunnels. Research on strata, on the other hand, has not been fully completed and it is therefore important to continue the project so that it can be determined whether it is possible to establish a road connection between the country and the Islands,".
A master thesis from 2020 has helped revive the discussion. According to the thesis, the macroeconomic gain from the Vestmannaeyjar tunnel could be around ISK 95 billion.
map credit: Screen shot from Apple Maps shows mainland Iceland and the Westman archipelago.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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Endurvekja samtal um jarðgöng milli lands og Eyja
www.ruv.isBæjarstjórn Vestmannaeyja samþykkti á fyrsta fundi nýrrar bæjarstjórnar sem fram fór í dag, að efna til samtals við ríkið um fýsileika jarðganga á milli lands og Eyja.