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Norway : Tunnelling in Bergå tunnel is paused for safety reasons after unusual geology

    Jørn Sørensen

    Bergå tunnel at E6 Helgeland in Norway

    Full stop after unusual findings.

    The work in the Bergå tunnel at E6 Helgeland is paused. Has probably hit large amounts of loose masses from before the last ice age.

    The Norwegian Public Roads Administration and contractor LNS AS have met a very unusual challenge in the E6 Svenningelv-Lien project. During the construction of the Bergå tunnel in Grane coming, the tunnel drivers have blown themselves into tough clay and gravel masses that are likely to date from before the last ice age. In addition, the area with the special mass is very far. Maybe somewhere between 40 and 80 meters. Although the pulp is dry and so hard that it can be reminiscent of mountains, the discovery has brought the progress to a full stop.

    - We cannot continue in such loose masses until we know more about how they behave. Now we must first find out how to safeguard the safety of our employees and then how we can build a safe tunnel through this party. This is stated by project manager Bernt-Jøran Reinholtsen in LNS AS

    Before the project was went out to tender, Roads Administration's geologists had test-drilled the mountain in the route where the tunnel will go. The samples indicated that there would be six zones of poor quality mountains. Now it shows you that the third zone is not mountains at all, but compressed hard clay and gravel.

    - Together with the contractor and hired expertise, we will now make a thorough mapping of the ground conditions in the mountains. Then a plan will be drawn up for how to build through the area in a safe and sound manner. This is stated by the project manager for E6 Helgeland, Bård Nyland.

    The E6 Svenningelv-Lien is a section of E6 Helgeland. Construction started late in 2021 and the road is planned to be completed in 2025.

    This is an English translation of the press release of Statens vegvesen via

