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France: Société du Grand Paris releases photos on the deepest stattion of Grand Paris Express

    Marc Guitar
    By Marc Guitar Replies (1)

    Grand Paris Express Vert de Maisons

    Innovation and collective mobilization: the keys to the successful widening of the tunnel For nearly two years, the companions of the Horizon group have been carrying out an unprecedented operation underground: the widening of the new metro tunnel, nearly 65 meters long. After digging two side corridors on either side of the tunnel, the teams excavated the earth that separated these galleries from the tunnel. All the excavated parts are concreted to guarantee the stability, the resistance and the sealing of the cave. This work will continue until the end of 2023 with the drilling of two inclined corridors and the gradual thawing of the ground. On the surface too, the activity of the construction site is not weakening: the passenger building of the future station is taking shape. After several months of work, the exterior walls have come out of the ground and are already 8 meters high!

    New companies for a new phase of work New business groups are already mobilized to prepare for the development of the station. “Arrived on the site in September 2022, the companions of the Demathieu Bard groups and Equans will install all the essential equipment for the operation of the station. They will work in concert with the teams of the Horizon group which finalize the construction of underground structures. "Specifies Alexandre Verdier, project manager of the Green Gare de Maisons at the Société du Grand Paris. The facades, ventilation, lighting or fire safety devices will thus be gradually deployed.

