the Contractor, the Chinese company CCCC, increased the number of workers, to speed the project.
Just 100 meters left to break through the 2740 meter Munjino brdo tunnell. The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić visited also the construction of the 2850 meter long LAZ tunnel. Its break through will be later for its tubes on 25 March and 25 April.
Both tunnels are twin tube and built by Chinese.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
JOŠ 100 METARA DO PROBIJANJA TUNELA MUNJINO BRDO! Vesić: Deonica od Pakovraća do Požege biće završena do kraja godine deonice auto-puta od Pakovraća do Požege napreduje predviđenom dinamikom.