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Estonia: Contract signed for the construction of a new pedestrian and bicycle tunnel under the railway at Ülemiste

    Raalfu Leinonen

    Rail Baltica news:

    "The Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department, along with Rail Baltic Estonia, the national implementing body of the Rail Baltica project, signed a joint procurement construction contract with Leonhard Weiss OÜ for the construction of Tunnel No. 5 at the Ülemiste railway station. The tunnel will enable pedestrians and cyclists to move from Ülemiste Road through the railway to the front of Ülemiste Center in the future."

    " The new tunnel, 32 meters long and 15 meters wide, will be located approximately 130 meters west of the existing Ülemiste stop tunnel and near the new tunnel to be built as part of the Ülemiste passenger terminal complex. The construction of Tunnel No. 5 is expected to begin this June and the structure will be completed by March 2027."

    " The construction work is technologically very complex, as it must be carried out under the conditions of an operating railway, and a complete closure of railway traffic during construction is not planned."

    "The cost of the construction contract is 3.6 million euros (excluding VAT), of which 400,000 euros will be financed from European Union funds and the remainder from the budget of the city of Tallinn."


