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China Tunnel Research: Dynamic responses and failure characteristics of the tunnel caused by rockburst: An entire process modelling from incubation to occurrence phases

Dynamic responses and failure characteristics of the tunnel caused by rockburst: An entire process modelling from incubation to occurrence phases

Ke Ma ab, Yilin Peng ab, Zhiyi Liao ab, Zuorong Wang c

a State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning 116024, Dalian, China

b Institute of Rock Instability and Seismicity Research, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning 116024, Dalian, China

c Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Water Diversion Project Construction Co. Ltd., Shanxi Province, Xian 710010, Shanxi, China

Received 6 October 2023, Revised 29 January 2024, Accepted 12 April 2024, Available online 22 April 2024, Version of Record 22 April 2024.




