Korea National Railway company Metropolitan Headquarters Holds a Seminar to Strengthen Railway Tunnel Construction Management Capabilities
- Pledge to Zero Safety Accidents and High-Quality Railway Construction -
The Metropolitan Headquarters of the National Railroad Corporation announced that it held a Safety and Quality Seminar with Partners on Monday, the 30th September, at the IndukwonDongtan double-track electric railway construction site to prevent safety accidents and build high-quality railway facilities as the number of railway tunnel construction sites located in urban areas increases.
This seminar was attended by 24 partner companies that are carrying out railway tunnel construction projects such as IndukwonDongtan and WolgotPangyo, and the following topics were discussed: Presentation of tunnel safety and quality management improvements and best practices at construction sites already underway Sharing of know-how to prevent trial and error Discussion of measures to spread accident cases and prevent recurrence, etc.
In addition, we listened to the difficulties and suggestions of our partners, discussed solutions, promised to expand communication channels for mutual growth between the corporation and its partners, and had time to strengthen awareness of safety and quality.
Choi Young-hwan, head of the Capital Region Headquarters of the Korea Railroad Corporation, said, We will make an active effort to build high-quality railway facilities with our partners so that the public can conveniently use the railway, with safety as the top priority.
Department in charge: Kwak Seong-taek, head of the Safety and Quality Department of the Capital Region Headquarters.
informatin and photograph distributed by press release https://www.kr.or.kr/boardCnts/view.do?boardID=52&page=2&boardSeq=1120149
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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