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Bane NOR and JV Skanska Strabag settle over the court case for Ulriken Railway Tunnel dispute

In a surprise development, Bane Nor reaches a settlement with Skanska & Strabag partnership.

In late August, Skanska and Strabag partnership had sued Bane NOR in a dispute over settlement for additional work at the boring of Ulriken tunnel in Bergen. New Ulriken tunnel is the first railway tunnel in Norway thathas used tunnel boring machine (TBM) as a tunnelling method.

The amount JV Skankska Strabag demanded was up to NOK 400 million. However, Bane NOR believed that the amount of the dispute was far less.  And the court case came about..

Now both sides release press releases saying that they are very content with the settlement and praise each others' work.

The contract, which was signed in May 2014, included tunnel drilling and blasting of the new tunnel, with related constructions such as tunnel portals and a railway bridge.

Bane NOR is the Norway's government agency responsible for development and maintenance of railway network.


