Epiroc Tunnel Intelligence System use at Rogfast Tunnel
source: https://www.epiroc.com/en-us/newsroom/2024/epiroc-delivers-tunneling-intelligence-at-worlds-longest-and-deepest-undersea-tunnel
Samsung C&T Saudi Arabia Riyadh Metro Infogram
supplied by Samsung C&T Newsroom at https://news.samsungcnt.com/en/features/engineering-construction/2024-12-samsung-campt-completes-construction-on-saudi-arabias-first-metro-system/ with...
HARP is a major scheme to maintain drinking water supplies across Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester for future generations.
Image credits: United Utilities, United Kingdom
source: Strabag press release...
The map shows the road line from Mandalskrysset (on the right in the map) to Blrstad.
by Nye Veier . source: https://www.nyeveier.no/nyheter/oppstart-av-ny-e39-som-planlagt/
China's latest intelligent shield tunneling technology has been successfully applied in the Chongtai Yangtze River Tunnel, a key project for the Shanghai-Chongqing-Chengdu High Speed Railway.
SOURCE China Railway Tunnel Group...
Tarcza TBM Faustyna zakończyła swoją misję – ostatni tunel jednotorowy wydrążony = Poland: TBM Faustina ended her mission - the last single tunnel hollowed out
source: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. with...