TBM Sushila removed after completing 5-mile drive from West Ruilsip to Green Park Way source: HS2 Media. https://mediacentre.hs2.org.uk/resources/f/construction/london-tunnels/progress-3/northolt-tunnel/tbm-sushila-removal
HS2 Long Itchington Wood tunnel in Warwickshire
HS2 Media release with https://mediacentre.hs2.org.uk/news/hs2-marks-major-construction-progress-milestone-at-long-itchington-wood-tunnel
HARP is a major scheme to maintain drinking water supplies across Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester for future generations.
Image credits: United Utilities, United Kingdom
source: Strabag press release...
Members of the tunnelling team inside the cutterhead at the breakthrough of TBM Cecilia at Chiltern tunnel
Along with HS2 Media release https://mediacentre.hs2.org.uk/news/hs2-britains-new-high-speed-railway-takes-shape
HS2 reveals giant tunnelling machines ready for 4.5-mile drive to Euston: Rail Minister, Lord Peter Hendy, and new HS2 CEO Mark Wild at Old Oak Common East box where the Euston TBMs are being prepared-2
from HS2 press release:...
HS2 Cutterhead of TBM Anne from the Victoria Road Crossover Box_cropped
from High Speed 2 project media: https://mediacentre.hs2.org.uk/news/the-northolt-four-new-tunnelling-machine-joins-three-others-digging-high-speed-line-under-london
HS2 Media View of Saltley Viaduct from railway
HS2 Meda Release at https://mediacentre.hs2.org.uk/news/planning-approval-granted-for-final-key-west-midlands-structures-bringing-hs2-into-birmingham