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Results for "World Tunnel Congress 2022 Copenhagen"

Wall posts

    • Stanko Novak

      Report: Slovenia, Austria to jointly upgrade Karavanke #rail tunnel [not to be confused with the Karavanke motorway tunnel]

      • Tim Altman

        Labour’s new-found dedication to environmentalism is completely undermined by its continued support for the polluting and downright dangerous Silvertown Tunnel. #silvertown #silvertownTunnel #environment

        • Chu Yang

          Nepal shortlist #China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group (CREEG) for a project with 22.2 km of #tunnel. Tunnel part of 76.2-kilometre-long Kathma...sts-six-firms-for-supervision-of-construction-work/ #CREG #CREGtbm #tunnelbori...

          • Gianluca Gallota

            Italian freight forwarder #Iscotrans delivers a tunnel boring machine (TBM) from Ita...ina. TBM will be used to build a 12 km-long wastewater tunn...e of the Riachuleo river cleaning project #TBMtransport #tunnelBori...

            • Erdem Mertoğlu

              Bilecik governor visits the ‘Tünel 26’ tunnel build project. One of tunnel on Ankara-İstanbul TCDD Yüksek Hızlı Tren (YHT - high speed train) railway #Türkiye

              • Arie van den Broek

                Wildlife impact concerns over building a £26m Swindon tunnel from the new development at Wichelstowe under the M4. #environment #tunnelling #swindon #whiltshire

                • Simon Gent

                  "Bray rail tunnel now only has a life expectancy of 15 more years in a 'do-nothing' scenario" #Eire

                  • Alan Limbach

                    Canada's Enbridge applies for the US permits to build the Straits of Mackinac oil pipeline tunnel.

                    • Keith Keloe

                      San Francisco will spend $150 million to save a giant Lake Merced Tunnel sewer pipe. Will it be enough?

                      • Paolo Kerguel

                        The Boring Company’s Las Vegas tunnel project enters full construction phase