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Results for "Transport for London Silvertown"

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    • Arie van den Broek

      Transport for London (#TfL) is hindering a legal challenge to the Silvertown tunnel, according to campaigners. Stop the Silvertown Tunnel is seeking to fight the construction pr...89209.tfl-accused-deliberate-delay-publication-silvertown-tunnel-contracts/ #Silvertown...

      • Ji-Yu Doko

        ...the preferred bidder for the Silvertown Tunnel project, which was ordered by Transport for London (TfL) in June. SK E&C has for...e lower Thames to connect the Silvertown and Greenwich areas of London, England. Is about 1 billion poun...

        • Kris Lubcek

          Transport for London (TfL) confirms that the #Riverlinx consortium i...ted to design, build, finance and maintain the #Silvertown Tunnel (1.4km long, $1.4bn, 1...s).

          • Coert Klomp

            ...the decision on November 25 by Transport for London (TfL) to award the contract to t...pital and SK E&C. But the transport authority has so far delay...ntracts by two weeks. Stop the Silvertown Tunnel claim this is a de...hinder a review.

            • Keith Keloe

              Transport for London (TfL) has finally signed the design, build, fin...nce, operate and maintain contract for the £1bn Silvertown road tunnel project with the...ttps:// #silve...

              • Kris Lubcek

                Ferrovial to Win London’s Silvertown Tunnel Contract

                • Coert Klomp

                  Silvertown Tunnel campaigners stage ‘die-in’ outside City Hall. #silvertownTunnel #environment #pollution

                  • Tim Altman

                    Labour’s new-found dedication to environmentalism is completely undermined by its continued support for the polluting and downright dangerous Silvertown Tunnel. #silvertown #silvertownTunnel #environment

                    • Arie van den Broek

                      The new tunnel in London will replace a maze of cables running under London’s streets which are wearing out and need replacing, but rather

                      • Alex Kesrit

                        A last-ditch October attempt by Hackney Council to suspend the contentious Silvertown Tunnel was rebuffed by Greenwich Council leader Danny Thorpe.