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Results for "Education"


    • Dave Anderson

      Dave Anderson

      About me: I am 39 years old. Mining engineer by education and Microtunneling engineer by experience. I am an Akkerman and Robbins fan (not affiliated with either of these great American companies).

      • Dr. Sandeep Potnis

        Dr. Sandeep Potnis

        Headline: Passionate for education, research and innovation in tunneling and underground construction.Interests: EducationAbout me: member of  International Tunneling Association's Committee for Education and Training (ITA-CET). I am...lty Fellow Award' by Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE). I organize annua...

        • Billy Gundry

          Billy Gundry

          About me: ...sed in April 1994. I again transferred, this time, to Selby Mines Rescue Station (SMRS) where I was stationed as a Brigadesman. I built on my education learning initially, to become...