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Results for "Project Feasibility Studies for Tunnels"


    • Paul K. Madsen


        Ryfast is a chain of subsea tunnels in the southwest of Norway. Ryfast tunnels connects Stavanger (the fourth largest city in Norway) w...other side of the Boknafjord. Ryfast consists of two tunnels: Ryfylke Tunnel: It lie...

      • Robin McAuley

        How much does a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) cost?

        This is a general guide for how much a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)...first thing to know; if your project needs a TBM, you can't le...o find a TBM which meets your project requirements, a used TBM is w...M, during the lifetime of the project. If the construction contract...

        • Robin McAuley

          Conventional Tunnelling versus Mechanized Tunnelling

            Why choose Mechanized Tunnelling over Mechanized Tunnelling? Or vice versa? When...neral, still accepted as the effective method for tunnels...g is considered more suitable in terms of safety, feasibility and cost for underwater t...

          • Robin McAuley

            TBM Y-Parts sourcing: Should you buy your TBM Cutters from TBM Manufacturer or from Independent Manufacturers?

            Incomplete content Y-Parts, the commonly referred for the TBM cutters, collectors, suppor...BM and then selling as many spares (Y-Parts etc) as possible during the course of the project...

            • Robin McAuley

              Buying Advice for Bichak-Cutters

              WARNING UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Bichak Cutters ("knives" or &...ed to? Make sure that you are getting a reference list with and at least one contact person and telephone number per project...