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Results for "T"


    • Paolo Kerguel

      Richard James Robbins

      ...1933 - Died: 30 May 2019 - Seattle, USA) Dick Robbins" world was actually born into tunnelling. He was the son o...e crash in 1958, Dick Robbins took over the company that his...ompany from 1958 to 1993 when The Robbins Company was taken o...

      • Robin McAuley

        TBM Y-Parts sourcing: Should you buy your TBM Cutters from TBM Manufacturer or from Independent Manufacturers?

        Incomplete content Y-Parts, the commonly referred for the TBM cutters, collectors, su...pport parts etc used on TBM cutter heads can be sourced eithe...ent manufacturers. Do Y-Parts of TBM Manufacturers Perform...l not perform as well as Y-Parts of the good independent manu...

        • Robin McAuley

          Buying Advice for Bichak-Cutters

          WARNING UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Bichak Cutters ("knives" or "scrapers") are cutters used for boring...cally they are metal blocks often with tungsten-carbide bits...ike "Knives" or "Scrapers" for Bichak Cut...

          • Robin McAuley

            What is the difference between welding, soldering and brazing

            ...ering: Soldering is used to join two or more pieces of similar or dissimilar metals to each other. An example of tungsten-carbide bits and steel., In soldering, the met...he solder. When you solder two pieces to each other, they...

            • Robin McAuley


              Y-Parts is the collective term used for the spare parts used on a Tunnel Boring Machine's (TBM) Cutter Head. These are the parts which are worn most and need replacement most often during a boring operation.

              • Robin McAuley

                Conventional Tunnelling versus Mechanized Tunnelling

                ...bsp; Why choose Mechanized Tunnelling over Mechanized Tunnelling? Or vice versa? When to use Tunnel Boring Machine tunnellin...ast tunnelling method? First let's go over some defini...ral purpose tools.  Although involves relatively high...

                • Robin McAuley
                  • Robin McAuley

                    Tunnel Boring Machine Definitions

                    WARNING Under construction. Incomplete content   Y-Parts

                    • Paul K. Madsen


                        Ryfast is a chain of subsea tunnels in the southwest of Norway. Ryfast tunnels conne...cts Stavanger (the fourth largest city in Norway) with the othe...ylke Tunnel: It lies between the island of Hundvåg and...ers long and at its deepest point, it is 292 meters below the s...

                      • Robin McAuley

                        How much does a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) cost?

                        This is a general guide for how much a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) costs. TBM prices always change, but basics remain constant: The p...s article gives you the understanding of the parameters that...know; if your project needs a TBM, you can't leave its pr...