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Results for "dual diameter TBM"


    • Adrian Olmex

      Comment on "Follo line double TBM breakthrough! (Norway)"

      why tubes close each other so much? Normal speaking there must be at least two diameter distance between two tubes. For example if diameter of each tube is 12 meters, they must be 24 meters away from each other. Otherwise TBMs distort the working of each other. No?

      • Kris Lubcek

        Comment on "Wall posts"

        The question is: is presence of overground rails the only difference between the London and Glasgow metros? How about other factors like diameter etc?

        • Paolo Kerguel

          Comment on "Comments"

          Indeed Robbins invented the TBM. And then stopped right there. What innovation wort...e, they made tremendous innovations in slurry technology field and also in big diameter TBM technologies.

          • Engin Ünverdi

            Comment on "Overheating Metros"

            I am vary of clicking on googledrive pdf documents but it was worth it. Thank you f...;, how many kilometers it tides ouverground, materials used in the train cars, diameter of the tunnels, size of the c...