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Comments on Status update by Calvin Barrows

Calvin Barrows

I would share with you my hypothesis on why London Underground and similar Metros worldwide suffer overheating. I'd be happy for your feedback.
This paper has been published worldwide in several Railway Journals and I recently appeared on the BBC New Channel's programme - Weather World. One significant Train Manufacturer had asked me to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for them to deliver to their customers, which I have now completed. They are moving forward on this with their specialists.
I would like to generate some serious discussion on the subject so that interest can be turned into action.

  • Jørn Sørensen
    By Jørn Sørensen

    Enjoyed reading it Calvin. Never thought sun would be responsible for the hotness of London metro!

  • Kris Lubcek
    By Kris Lubcek

    The question is: is presence of overground rails the only difference between the London and Glasgow metros? How about other factors like diameter etc?

  • Paolo Kerguel
    By Paolo Kerguel

    makes sense actually.