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Comments on Status update by Calvin Barrows

Calvin Barrows

I would share with you my hypothesis on why London Underground and similar Metros worldwide suffer overheating. I'd be happy for your feedback. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w18eRNzbUKd29X9ajTCg2XFTJbDbCr_-/view?usp=drivesdk.
This paper has been published worldwide in several Railway Journals and I recently appeared on the BBC New Channel's programme - Weather World. One significant Train Manufacturer had asked me to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for them to deliver to their customers, which I have now completed. They are moving forward on this with their specialists.
I would like to generate some serious discussion on the subject so that interest can be turned into action.

  • Jørn Sørensen
    By Jørn Sørensen

    Enjoyed reading it Calvin. Never thought sun would be responsible for the hotness of London metro!

  • Kris Lubcek
    By Kris Lubcek

    The question is: is presence of overground rails the only difference between the London and Glasgow metros? How about other factors like diameter etc?

  • Paolo Kerguel
    By Paolo Kerguel

    makes sense actually.