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Comments on activity by Lutz Genscher

    Lutz Genscher
    Lutz Genscher shared a link

    Covert Chinese TBM promotion in a German periodical. They entered Europe with Turkey, then Italy and then Denmark. They are targeting now Germany.


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    Tunnelbohrmaschinen sind hochautomatisierte, mobile „Komplett-Fabriken“. Sie unterliegen besonderen Herausforderungen bei der Übermittlung betriebsrelevanter Sensordaten vom Maschinenkopf zur Steuerung.

    • Roberto Calvi
      By Roberto Calvi

      It is normal. It is open markets. Probably it is a promotional press release.

    • Roberto Calvi
      By Roberto Calvi

      It is normal. It is open markets. Probably it is a promotional press release.