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Comments on activity by Carlos Kirschner

    Carlos Kirschner
    Carlos Kirschner shared a link

    German Federal Parliament and #Berlin Senate Administration argue on #tunnel construction.

    For over two years, the Federal Parliament administration has been blocking the plans for the underground extension of the S-Bahn line 21 from the main train station to Potsdamer Platz - because they don't want a tunnel near the Reichstag (parliament) building. They fear it would damage the historic building.

    If the parliament gets its way, the costs would explode, the schedule would be waste and an already completed tunnel at Potsdamer Platz would have to be demolished.


    Bundestag blockiert Ausbau von Bahntunnel


    Weil der Bundestag den Bau eines Tunnels blockiert, droht ein Bau-Desaster. Die Kosten könnten explodieren und mehrjährige Verkehrssperrungen folgen.