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    André Tarry
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    The 15.4-kilometer-long #Ceneri base tunnel is scheduled to go into service on December 13, 2020. The first train to depart at 6:03 am heading north. To start the countdown, SBB boss Andreas Meyer and President of the Ticino State Council Christian Vitta baptized a train from the new Giruno fleet on Sunday with the name "Ceneri 2020".

    Vitta called the opening of the tunnel a "historic moment" for the canton. By bringing Lugano, Locarno and Bellinzona together, this work will give birth to the "city of Ticino", he stressed. It will change the life of Ticino people - for commuters and for leisure.


    Compte à rebours lancé pour le tunnel de base du Ceneri


    Les CFF et le gouvernement tessinois ont donné le coup d'envoi dimanche du compte à rebours à 363 jours avant la mise en service du tunnel de base du Ceneri. A cette occasion, le maire de Lugano a réclamé de meilleures liaisons vers l'Italie