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EM Korea TBM shares profit news extension of Sin Bundang Line

    Ji-Yu Doko
    By Ji-Yu Doko Replies (1)

      EM Korea TBM Techology

    EM Korea TBM shares high of former prime minister lobby for extension of Sin Bundang Line as fight for transportation problems.

    EM Korea produce tunnel boring machines.EM Korea participated Gyeonggi-do undergroung tunnel work of KEPCO. Company produce also aircraft parts and others.

    In current times company produce small diameter 3.5M TBM machines in soil and rock boring. EM Korea bought technology from Japan from Taiko Techs company. Not license only but all patents. 

    But EM Korea has big plans. EM Korea signed a contract with JTSC (Japan Tunnel Systems Corporation) to co-production and sales of large-scale TBMs of up to 15m.


